At 9pm sharp, at least 3000 people were already gathered despite it's a working day. The Ceramah began with Tan Kok Wai - 5-term MP for Cheras! Even though unwell, the overwhelming crowd has stirred his spirit and boosted his energy. By sharing various issues, he again demonstrated the conviction and the commitment that DAP representatives have for the People of Malaysia : NEVER QUIT FIGHTING!
As the crowd growing larger to at least 6000 people when approaching 10pm, Gobind Singh (DAP Candidate for MP Puchong) has brought the mood of the Ceramah even higher. Regardless of races, everyone in the crowd embraced the cry of "Makkal Sakthi" (which means People Power) together with Gobind. He has proven that all races can stand together to fight for equality for all !
Despite of rain started around 10pm, no one is willing to leave during Gobind's talk, even it was then turned into Heavy Downpour... Everyone started to open up umbrellas (Subang Jayans are prepared!!!) and started sharing with the people around them irregardless of races and dialects. A young couple even passed us their spare umbrella even though they do not know us. Who said the nation is not ready for change? Who said Subang Jayans are not TOGETHER? This indeed is a Record Breaking night for Subang Jaya - at least 3000 people were still waiting in the rain for the next speech!!!
The crowd started to disburse after the MC announced suspension of the event until the rain stops. Yet, most of the people still mingling around and waiting for the rain to stop. No one is willing to leave! Soon as the rain slowed down, everyone returned to the stage for various other guest speakers including Gwo-Burne (PKR Candidate for MP Kelana Jaya).
Our ADUN-to-be Hannah Yeoh has spiced up the heart of everyone with her heart-warming yet powerful speech. Committing to the promises she made, Subang Jayans are convinced that the VOTE must go to none other than her! We must elect a representative that can protect the right of the people including women and children. Unlike the opponent of Teresa Kok in Seputeh Carol Chew of MCA who uses cheap shots at woman's expense to gain support (see How could we trust MCA women to protect our women - our grandmas, our moms, our sisters, and our daughters?
"I will be transparent to you!" Announcing the record-breaking donation collection from the Subang Jayans for her Campaign amounting RM31,000, she has proudly demonstrated the great example of a ADUN should be : Transparency ! Integrity ! Clean ! Ah BeNg would never be able to do that !
Also, another reminder and warning from Hannah : Ah BeNg have started their dirty tricks! They started threatening the People with May 13th AGAIN ! We heard from from Ah BeNg candidate in Petaling Utara ourselves! We wander : where these Ah BeNg were not detained by ISA? They are creating social unrest and chaos! Not the 5 leaders of Hindraf!
If you missed Hannah's speech, please visit for her speech video clip. Thanks to John!
Finally, the waiting was over around 11.40pm with the arrival of the People's Hero, Mr. Lim Kit Siang. Even with the lost of his voice, his words and voice have went deep into the heart of everyone with the HOPE for the People and the Change for the Nation.
"Remember the BN manifesto in 2004? BN said they will be Cemerlang, Gemilang, Terbilang. - But i'll say they are Temberang."
He reminded us again that this is our most promising chance to deny the UMNO and BN 2/3 majority for the sake of our future and for the next generations. " Stop UMNO's hegemony political domination!"
If you missed Lim Kit Siang's speech, please visit for his speech video clip. Thanks to John!
Relatives, Friends and Neighbours of Subang Jaya :
We are Subang Jayans, the GIANTS of the Nation ! Let us LEAD the CHANGE !!!
P/S: As we were busy clapping and shouting, we didn't manage to take much notes on Mr. Lim's speech. Please contribute / sharing your input by adding comments to benefit those who left earlier OR who couldn't make it. Thank you.
it's truly nice to see passion at work. i'm spending thousand to come vote for hannah, i do not live in malaysia, used to live in subang, i'm flying home for a week to vote ROCKET!!
Too bad it was raining but ain't gonna stop all of us!! So touched when I see all the people willing to stay despite it started to rain heavily yesterday nite...
Hannah Yeoh not Hannah Teoh. please correct it.
One senses the people throughout the country are in the mood for change. One example is the voters of Subang Jaya. In spite of the torrential rain, the residents at the DAP ceramah at USJ 12 last evening (3 Mar 2008) did not go away. Conversely the crowd got larger. It swelled to approximately 8,000, a record any political party in Subang Jaya has ever attracted. This is the kind of spirit shown by Subang Jayans. Is this wind of change being felt by Malaysian voters?
There is hope for Malaysians
Vote wisely. Vote for change.
Hannah and your team,
You are doing a great job so far.
You are drawing bigger and bigger crowds but please don't let this get into your heads. Listen and seek the advice of the veterans. They know better.
The next few days are crucial. Beware of BN dirty tactics.
Be humble and you will win the hearts of those still undecided.
USJ Resident
Young people are usually more arrogant and not very humble. But, they'll learn. Still young, got plenty of time.
Most importantly, we old folks not much time left to do much. Let them do it. We do our part : vote for change.
my mom is also worried now... she heard that many people in the market is talking about May 13 if DAP big win this weekend. help! help to stop the rumours! how can BN so irresponsible? causing social unrest?
Congratulations on a job well done so far. Practising what you preach will further enforce the believe we all have in Hannah's cause.
I was there at the ceramah last night and was very encouraged by the 'power of the people', standing drenched in the rain and yet wanting more in what we believed in.
I was practically impressed to learn that a substantial amount of money was collected amongst the people supporting your stand....and it was no small amount.
I concur with the speakers of the night - never had I understood so well the state of our nation having being blinded for so long.
This will be my third time voting after having made two mistakes in the past.
I see the light and I will ensure that this fight will continue, justice will prevail and all evils overcome.
A word of encouragement for your campaign from the wise book:
Being respected is more important than having great riches. To be well thought of is better than silver or gold. - Proverbs 22:2
Hannah Yeoh - you have my vote and GOD bless!
My brother is coming back this Friday to Subang just to support YOU!!. Not even the lack of tickets is stopping him, he's renting a car back! We must kick Ah Beng the MCA dog out of Subang and give him a humbling defeat. We are Subang Jayans, we are the town with the most internet users in Malaysia. We have the privilege of awareness and we must start by sending a message out to BN ... we kick them out, NOW!!!
PS. Give Carol Chew a piece of our minds. Her mobile number can be Googled. Details below!
Wanita MCA Beliawanis chairman Carol Chew Chee Lin at 019-281 1407
Subang Jayan, just incase you miss my comment in my blog.. thanks for the link. I most likely will record hannah again tonight. Till then.. Thanks!
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