News from Sin Chew Daily 2008-03-10 17:50
(Shah Alam) State Officials of former Selangor Menteri Besar Dato' Seri Mohamad Khir Toyo have returned to State Government Office to pack but also destroyed some official documents.
Newly appointed Menteri Besar Tan Sri Abd Khalid Ibrahim arrived at Level 19 the building at 2.35pm for a close-door meeting with the former State Secretary and Tresurer.
Around 3.15pm, there were 5 to 6 officers at Level 12 started to destroy some documents. Level 12 was believed to be the Admin & Management division.
Party members of PKR and DAP immediately rushed over to stop the activity, and insisted that these documents are state property therefore must be retained regardless of the contents.
After the "destroy-document" exercise was stopped, the documents were scattered everywhere. According to sources, some of them were minutes of meetings, and some were marked "confidential document".

Newly appointed Menteri Besar Tan Sri Abd Khalid Ibrahim arrived at Level 19 the building at 2.35pm for a close-door meeting with the former State Secretary and Tresurer.
Around 3.15pm, there were 5 to 6 officers at Level 12 started to destroy some documents. Level 12 was believed to be the Admin & Management division.

After the "destroy-document" exercise was stopped, the documents were scattered everywhere. According to sources, some of them were minutes of meetings, and some were marked "confidential document".
so drama, i like drama...
this shows blatantly what an unmanly slimebag this Toyo is / yasmin
Yeah! Khir Toyo has to hide these few days! Unlike Koh Soo Koon, at least Koh can handover the office to Lim Guan Eng openly. Sigh... what UMNO has been doing? Like what Teng Chiang Khim revealed, it's really full of "C"!
DAP PAS & PKR must make Police Report as this is clearly a blatant act of the most unlawfull kind ....
Those PAS so called Muslim ADUNs and PKR Malay ADUn be courageous as to make Police Report against Khir Toyo and the Government Officers involved ...
This a serious situation ....
otherwise, we consider you PAS & PKR as the same with these ROGUES ...
Get Khir Toyo and prosecute him ...
send him to jail ..for allowing this to happen ..... it is definitely against OSA ...
PAS & PKR jangan cakap banyak sahaja .... tunjukkan kewibawaan kamu semua ....
Jangan subahat ....
Anon 11.19AM, sorry for saying this but you must be a racist to make comments like that. Why single out just PKR/PAS when there are also DAP involve? We are all Malaysian Malaysian not Malaysian raced based
Come on guys, we got this victory
by working together. Dont forget that. Let's work together to clean up the mess as well.
Give the leaders time to settle down and put the house in order. All of us has alot to say, of course and nobody can deny our right but give them time...We have trusted and elected them as our representatives, and now we should trust them again and give them time to sort this.
if he did have anything to hide, it's a rather silly move, considering the further questioning and probing he would receive over it. Now if he didn't have anything to hide, what's the story morning glory ? Let's just not get too ahead of ourselves in finding someone to crucify.
i agreed with Philips. the Opposition wins by uniting and working together. We have to learn and change for the better, do not follow our parents or grandparents thinking. We are all Malaysia Malaysian.
As for Toyo, most likely it is due to corruption. That's why he is trying to destoy the evidence. Don't worry, when the new gorvernment formed, soon they will dig out more, and i believe there are more in Selangor State. All these rubbish people have to go into the trash.
Don't be surprise they will migrate first before the investigation.
ha ha! with only 2 opposition ADUN in DUN Selangor, YB Teng can dig out so many ugly things. now with the whole barisan rakyat ruling DUN Selangor, the whole world will turn up side down, man! i m sure they'll find out lots of ugly stuff hidden under the carpet.
great! that's why we need to switch government! say no to corruption!
we all knew khir toyo and his minions are corrupted bunch of f**ls..they gave Malay a bad name.its sad to see these type of ppl rule our state...
im a malay and a muslim , even most malays dont like the current crop of leaders, not just the please i beg of you, stop making racist remarks or hate each other...we are all in on this together..malays,chinese and indians... its THEM who are tearing our community apart..
Yes, stand up for Malaysians! Enough is enough. It's time for a change, no matter what your race is.
You know what he's hiding? His tempe eating routine lah. That is his top beauty secret..
mana mungkin? no race-based politic?
PKR & PAS still Melayu kuasa.
DAP still Cina kuasa.
Indian pula not represented! only minority in PKR & DAP.
mungkin BN will start shouting:
"at least we hv all races wakil in BN".
unless all opposition can really merge into one big family. kalau tidak, how to say 'no race-based politic'?
I agree with you! Our job is to create competition between the 2 caolitions. Not Umno VS Pas or PKR, or MCA vs DAP.....whoever that is no good, state or national, we will kick them off in the election....that is the biggest achievement of Malaysian in this election!
it was just office housekeeping to clean up old copies of files..the opposition manupulate these pictures to sad bad things about selangor administration and dont trust them!
Anonymous 3:16pm,
Correct, Correct, Correct!
Just like the Lions in the Parable of the Lions and the Wolf (posted March 6). We are now the Northern flock that can decide which Lion (BN or B.Rakyat) to stay with us! We can kick them out anytime we want when they misbehave!
We don't want to be the Southern flock anymore where only a Wolf (BN) with us. Hope the other states (esp the Southern states) will learn this soon.
We are the BOSS! We can choose!
Hi Hannah,
As your name implies, you're a "Favoured Grace". People like you are brought forward for a reason, to turn this corrupted world into righteousness.
Righteousness exalts a nation but corruption is a reproach to many.
Keep keeping on and you know the whole host is backing you up. I will support you every step of the way. keep up the good work and ...
I And it shall come to pass in the last days, this nation shall be established, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it.
Be strong and courageous
They can hide or destroy all that they want but there are still plenty of document out there that can nail them. Let's not argue about this issue and let the new State Government do their job.
Kamal, anon 11.19am and those who try to create drama here, pls if you can not agree that we are just all Malaysian here, and still want to separate yourselves as this race or that race & those wanted more for their race, go back to your originated land (Chinese - China, Indian - India, so call Malay - some where of northern Laos) The only origin pp in this land is the orang asli that stay in the jungle (most of them still)... Think why are they classify as orang asli... coz they are the ASLI here not all of us that try to clam this and that. Where is the voice of the orang asli?
We are a nation. Malaysian... Just like the American/Australian (white)... they originated from UK, they stand as a nation, they dont called themselves Englishman anymore. Why dont we just addressed ourselves as Malaysian Only?
Come on! we all have to work together, give everyone time to do their job. Even a baby takes 9mths to be born.. I'm not saying to give them that long of time! But at least not just 1 or 2 days lah!
'Malaysia Boleh lagi' kalau we all work together ...(not Malaysia Bodoh ya!) dont our new project include sending the nuts to the space again! Thats is all our tax-payer fund - to fund the nation - like the poor in the kampung which is more constructive for all of us than the nuts!
It sadden me to read racial remarks and is counter productive.Most important is that we are Malaysian with a common goal - live a full and productive live. Give advise to the new Rep(DAP/PAS/PKR)on how to make things work. Now we have to move forward and help each other and show that we are united and we love the country.
This is only the beginning. You'll read more of ex-BN reps destroying evidence in months to come. So much BS going on for a long time.
And Toyo, Malaysia is glad you lost, you slimebag.
If the report and pictures are true, personally, I feel it is a shameful act of coward, betraying the people of Selangor. This sacred land of Selangor does not belong to any one race or people but divinely given to the people who reside there. Sad and tragic to read about former Menteri Besar Khir Toyo wanting to make a comeback in the next general election. After a dismal performance in the just concluded general election, he must bow out gracefully and not made such an arrogant statement.
i think they should do that as the documents may reveal the government "Victory Secret". Everybody will do that..
dah agak akan berlaku , mereka terlalu emosi dari dulu,sebelum,waktu pilihanraya,lepas pilihanraya dan lepas kalah pilihanraya, itu yang buat saya muak,kes sebegini perlu didakwa,
Bukan itu saja, banyak lagi perangai x baik akan ditunjukkan mereka,
khalid ibrahim dh jelaskan dah pun....tak penting bagi dia, sebab kalau yg ni dihancurkan , ada satu lagi copy yg disimpan oleh lagi satu pihak.
kalau khalid ibrahim pun dh rilek je, aku tk paham apsal ada pihak nak menggelabah mcm bangang cerita khir toyo had to hide for few days....if you dont see khir toyo hiding with your own eyes, dont act as if you're the new stephen chow trying to crack up stupid joke like that
Im not a fan of khalid ibrahim but he showed why he is the right candidate to be the MB. At least he thinks first before bashing the previous government.
Sometimes you just had to use your head to hurl the abuse on others, or else just shut up. Making racist comments will not make you a better person, if you think you're big enough to be proud with your race, go to Europe and make those racist comments towards the local people there, and see if you can avoid from being gun down by the people there!
Documents that belong to the state government are the property of the State.The first thing to do is to
(a)Have all the officials involved in the destruction of the documents arrested for damaging State property.
(b) the interragotion will lead to the parties responsible and
(c)the matter should be passed to the AG for prosecution.( If the latter does noot prosecute-it shows that he is in collussion)
(d)The State should nevertheless file a civil suit and the matter set down for trial so that Malaysian taxpayers ( State) can know what is going on.
Heh! Kedah even better : all the documents disappeared!
Don't know about Perak yet, anyone hear anything?
How could BN do that? Not afraid ke? This is so public and so obvious that they were full of **** when they run the state government. This is really too much!
It is indeed shocking that the public servants should act like that. They are supposed to be apolitical (that's why they have pensions and the like). I have checked some federal laws, and they could be charged under s204 of the Penal Code for destroying documents so as not to produced it as evidence in court (2 yrs jail) or under s29(g) Anti-Corruption Act 1997. In both cases MB should summon all public servants and one by one they should be interrogated and if involved (just ask two questions - (i) did you or did you not take instructions to destroy the documents? and (ii) if answer to (i) is "No" then ask to explain how the documents have vanished. Someone will squeal on another, then we have the perpetrators. Either case they will be found out. Then based on the evidence which is properly recorded and they signed the statement charged them in court. If AG refuses, then under Anti-Corruption Act we just ask for his consent, if refused take him to court for unreasonable refusal to consent. Then get state legal advisor or state DPP to prosecute these people. Baru tahu! Signed 146ers
40 thn memerintah negara tentu ada banyak tahi bawah meja. Orang yg memusnahkan dokumen ini kena diambil tindakan oleh pemerintah yg baru secara serius.
Itulah UMNO sebenar yg kamu lihat.
Simpanlah semua bukti ini utk piliharaya ke 13 nanti.
All kawan2 dan friends, lawan kita bukan Melayu, chinese, Indian dan lain-lain tetapi bangsa Thai, Orang Singapore, Myanmar, Vietnam, Indonesia dan lain-lain. Kita kena bersatu kalau nak melawan mereka. So, tolonglah bangkit sebagai bangsa Malaysia. Masalah dalaman akan memlembabkan kita. Hapuskan dokumen kerajaan akan memlembabkan kita juga. Tak patut.....!
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