As the Polling day getting close, rally after rally, news after news, there are many getting puzzled on the choice of the Government they want. Due to BN's race-based political influence and news blast, many non-Malays are doubting whether there is any difference between electing PKR led by Anwar or BN led by UMNO, likewise many Malays are wandering whether they should give a chance to DAP led by the non-Malays.
A friend of ours just took the effort to translate this Parable from Mandarin to English and shared with us and we think it is very helpful to these group of voters especially those who are on the indecisive line whether they should really VOTE for CHANGE because they don't think there is a difference and they think both are not good enough.
The Creator put 2 large flocks of Sheep in the field, one in the North, one in the South. He also given them 2 types of Enemies : one is Lion, the other is Wolf.
Choices Given
The Creator said: "If you choose the Wolf, I will put one on your land. It will eat you as he like, but he is smaller size than the Lion therefore smaller appetite. If you choose Lion, I will give two Lions but you can choose which Lion to be put there and you can change it anytime you want."
So, if you are one of the Sheep, which one would you choose?
Choice Made
Well, the flock in the South thought : The Lion is more violent than the Wolf. Better choose the Wolf. So, they chosen a Wolf. The flock in the North thought : even though the Lion is more violent, but we get to choose which Lion. So, they chosen two Lions.Immediate Outcome
The Wolf entered the South and started to hunt for the Sheep. Due to its small appetite, it ate only a sheep in a few days. Therefore, the flock will only be hunted once in a few days.
In the North, the Sheep chosen one of the Lions, and the other Lion was placed at the Creator's place. The Lion was more violent and bigger appetite than the Wolf. It ate one sheep in a day. Therefore, the flock has to run for their lives every day. So, the Northern herd quickly asked the Creator to switch the Lion. But the other Lion has starved for a few days therefore more appetite than the earlier Lion. The Sheep has to run for their lives all day long.Immediate Regret
The Southern flock started to laugh at the Northern flock and felt glad that they have chosen the right enemy. The Northern flock has regretted and asked the Creator to change the enemy to the Wolf. But the Creator said : "Once you have made your choice of your enemy, you cannot change. Your only right is to make a choice between the Lions.
So, the Northern flock has to keep on switching the Lions. But both Lions are violent, therefore they were suffering with either choice. At the end, they finally decided not to change regularly since they were the same : they kept one of the Lion with them until the other one is starved until so thin and almost dead then only they switched the Lions.
Soon, the thin Lion realized that its fate was in the hands of the Sheep. The Sheep can send it back to the Creator anytime they wished and let it starved until almost dead. So, it treated the Sheep very well this time. It promised that it'll eat only those that are sick or dead and it will not harm those healthy ones.The lambs were very happy and suggested to keep only the thin Lion and let the fat Lion starved to dead. An old sheep quickly reminded them : "Do not forget, the thin Lion is afraid that we send it back to the Creator to starve, that's why it is nice to us. If we let the fat Lion die, we will loose our choice and the thin Lion will be back to its true colour." So, the rest thought he is right therefore they switched the fat Lion back after it is starved to almost dead.
Better Outcome
The fat Lion is now so thin with only skin covering bones. It also realized that its fate is in the control of the Sheep. In order to stay with the Sheep longer, it even be more self-controlled : it ate only those dead sheep and being very nice to the Sheep. It just wished that it can stay longer here instead of starving at the Creator's place. So, the Lion that was sent back to the Creator was very very very sad. After all these trials, the Northern flock finally can enjoy their lives with freedom and fearless to the Government. (Look at the Western countries like France, Australia & States)
Worse Outcome
As for the flock in the South, the Wolf has no competitor therefore it became wild and hegemony. It killed the Sheep in tens and twenties daily - it was sick of the mutton and now would just enjoyed to suck the warm blood. When sucking the blood, it didn't allow the Sheep to make noise. Whichever make noise, it'll kill them. Sometimes, it will just hunt the Sheep and killed them for fun. The Southern flock now regretted : "If we knew it'd be like this, we should have chosen the Lions." (Aren't we now regretted too?)
It's Time to Make Your Choice!Now, our fellow friend, 8th of March is the chance for us to make our new choice. You can choose to be like the Southern flock- like what the choice we have made for the past 50 years (choose BN the Wolf), OR you can choose to be like the Northern flock - Vote for Change, Change the Government to Barisan Rakyat (the Opposition) - just like the Australians, French, and even Americans ! If you are not happy, you can switch in 4 - 5 years time.
What do you loose? It'll never be worse than our first choice which we have suffered for 50 years. In fact, it'll only be better because YOU FINALLY BE THE BOSS! YOU CAN CHOOSE! They'll have to be thankful to you and serve you well!Please spread the word around. We have been hearing Ah BeNg spreading messages that casting doubts to the non-Malays on PKR and to the Malays on DAP. Share this parable with those who are in doubt of the Opposition. Do not hesitate anymore! Do not FEAR anymore! It's time for Change!
Vote for Change! Vote DAP! Vote PKR!
good one! must share with all the aunties who are afraid of anwar.
whoa good but IT IS VERY CONFUSING ahahahhaa
Just don't keep feeding the same fat cat for it will become complacent and the other will die; so no competition! When no competition the fat cat takes the upper hand and will take things for granted and will not care for the hands that fed him and will bermaharajalela. Alternate and let them know who the real BOSS is...we the RAKYAT lah. Create fear in WELL FED FAT CAT so that RAKYAT need not live in fear. FAT CAT should be the servant not the boss. The RAKYAT must be BOSS.
Current FAT CAT = BN
Now easier to understand ah
Correct, Correct, Correct!
For this round, let's STOP feeding the FAT LION (BN) and START feeding the Barisan Rakyat (DAP & PKR).
Please vote for the Opposition! Let BN know we are the real BOSS and we can choose whichever Lion we want! BN should be thankful to us that we have elected (feeding) BN for so many years, not we be thankful to BN!
Vote for Change!
No matter who wins, we lose. I don't believe the opposition parties with different ideologies could work together, but still, change is good.
Dear readers,
I believe this article was written by an American or a European. The Two Lions metaphor works best in the American Democracy today where they have the two-party system consisting of the Democrats and the Republicans.
On the other hand, the lone wolf metaphor highly resembles the Communist Party for its' one ruler, one party system, and since it resides in the South (of America), I can only guess that it's Cuba.
So my dear fellow Malaysians, this article does not reflect our political situation at all. You have to had a forced imagination for it to work.
With that, I rest my case.
i heard something similar recited in Cantonese by Chan Fong on the radio channel 988 last year. Not long after that he's longer with the show "kong kai fan won".
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